
Changes in our climate are becoming increasingly visible as a result of more frequent extreme weather events and the deterioration of the situation of entire ecosystems. Man-made greenhouse gas emissions are considered to be the main culprit. In order to significantly reduce these emissions, we must completely switch our energy supply from fossil fuels to renewable energies. For this energy transition we need powerful and inexpensive energy storage systems.

Only the GroNaS technology has the potential to make the energy transition technically possible and economically efficient.

GroNaS large sodium sulfur batteries for electric energy make the energy revolution an affordable reality.

GroNaS has developed a disruptive technology that reduces the cost of electric energy storage to a tenth of the cost of any other technology that is currently available on the market. With a prognosed price of about 900 USD per kilowatt power capacity, including an exemplary storage capacity of 336 gigawatt hours, only a comparably inexpensive, specific investment is necessary to build a large GroNaS energy storage.

“Earn money with large energy storage”

Our vision is the efficient and profitable storage of electric energy in an industrial scale, for the consequent supply of our society with renewable energy, provided by large GroNaS energy storage systems in the grid.

What is special about GroNaS storages?

Basically, we use the proven principle of a sodium-sulfur-accumulator, which has been in use since the eighties. This principle works with the electrolysis and synthesis of sodium sulfides. Sodium and sulfur are two very cheap, uncritical and high-energy materials.

We have redesigned this principle from the ground up. Power and storage capacity (energy conversion and storage) were separated.

With our newly developed and patented energy converter, we can achieve scalable power capacity outputs between 20 and 1000 MW and scalable storage capacities from 8 to 336 GWh. Over the entire storage and retrieval process we achieve an efficiency rate of 75 to 90%.

Green energy at the wrong time is no solution

Manmade climate change on our planet earth demands fast and consequent action. As hard it is to let go, we need to say goodbye to fossil fuels very soon.

The Berlin Mercator-Institute calculated that worldwide CO2 neutrality must be accomplished by 2028, in order to limit global warming to an average 1.5°C. The research is unanimous that if the temperature continues to rise, many ecosystems will be irretrievably destroyed. The biodiversity and our quality of life will drastically decrease.

Regenerative energy potentials are not being used sufficiently, due to their weather-dependent volatility and missing energy storage capacities. This reality forces us to continue to rely on large conventional power plant parks to secure power supply. Balancing actions such as grid optimization and load management in the smart grid are limited and connected with compromises for consumers. There is a missing link between energy production and demand.

Core problem of the energy revolution

The energy transition from fossil to renewable energy supply will not be successful, unless we have adequate storage capacity for electric energy. Existing capacity is inadequate, weak and expensive. It has almost no economic relevance in the grid.

GroNaS is the solution

Delivering high power, a fast switching capability, and large capacity, GroNaS electric energy storage technology is the solution for our current energy problem.

“Mega-Power-, Giga-Storage-Capacity, promptly adjustable”

Our batteries achieve unrivaled low prices per kilowatt installed power capacity, and kilowatt hour storage capacity. GroNaS- Energy-Storages are clean, safe and obtain their cheap raw materials from uncritical sources.

“For an unrivaled low price”

Uncritical and cheap raw materials

Sulfur accrues as a waste product during the natural gas desulfurization and is collected in large landfills. The demand for our energy storage can be largely covered with this deposit.

Sodium is derived from rock salt. This is sufficiently contained in the earth’s crust and sea water.

Clean, emission free and safe

A GroNaS-Energy-Storage is a closed system, which works without any waste or emissions. It operates very safely. If an accident were to occur, the danger is comparable with any conventional chemistry facility. There are no risks taken.

For every conceivable emergency situation is a scenario developed to handle it safely.

Grid stability without coal and gas

GroNaS-Energy-Storages quickly provide unlimited balancing energy. Positive and negative. Boasting high power and long storage capacities, they enable a high grid stability without fossil fuels, even during unpredictable weather conditions. Furthermore, there will be no restrictions or loss in quality of power supply for consumers.

Ideal replacement of served-out coal power plants

Finally, nuclear, gas and coal power plants are not needed as a backup anymore.

A GroNaS-Energy-Storage fits perfectly on the location of a decommissioned coal power plant. To realize an outage-free energy transition to renewables, coal plants could be replaced one at a time with a GroNaS-Energy-Storage, while sustainable energies are expanded. Energy supply security will not be at risk.


A GroNaS-Energy-Storage, together with a solar or wind power plant, offers the cheapest and strongest autarky solution for remote regions and islands.

Also, for municipal infrastructure whose energy supply must not be interrupted, such as hospitals, fire departments, police, and military, they provide safety of provision.

“In Germany 550 TWh of electricity are consumed, annually!”

Investment into a billion-dollar market

The electrical load on the German grid frequently reaches more than 80 GW.

With the introduction of smart-grid load management, it can possibly be reduced to 70 GW. About 10 GW can be provided by existing energy storages, such as pumped-storage hydro power plants, bio-gas power plants, and if necessary, the import of electricity.

The remaining load of approximately 60 GW is currently provided by coal, gas, and nuclear plants, when it gets dark and the wind slacks off.

The shutdown of fossil and nuclear facilities would create a gap of 60 GW.

Building GroNaS-Energy-Storages can fill this gap!

A GroNaS-Energy-Storage costs approximately 900 USD per kilowatt installed power capacity, and provides two weeks of storage capacity at full power. The construction of 60 gigawatts GroNaS power storage would accordingly cost 54 billion USD.

Germany must step out of coal in 2038. With a solid investment we are going to be ready for serial production in 2028. The replacement of fossil power plants over a period of 10 years is realistic.

This results in an annual turnover of 5.4 bn. USD, in Germany alone
